Friday 31 July 2015

Flames of war - Late war - Surrounded

Forces 1500 pts
US armored rifle 4th (CV) (Blood, guts and glory)
HQ +bazooka
Armoured rifle platoon

Armoured rifle platoon
3 57mm AT-gun platoon
4 M4 Sherman
1 Tankdestroyer section (2 M10)
3 M3 priest (Confident Trained)

German 17.SS Götz von Berlichen (FT) (Nuts)
Mg+faust platoon

Mg+faust platoon
Heavy platoon with HMG and mortar section
2 Achtrad
3 PAK40
2 Jagdpanzer IV / 70
3 Stug (late)
3 Nebelwerfer

As both companies are mechanized we decide that the us make the attack as the Germans seems less likely to succeed in an attack. The objectives are placed at the stone bridge and ant the hill. Germans hold the PAK in immediate ambush and then deploy most units at the hill. US deploy one infantry platoon to threaten the stone bridge objective and some anti-tank on the other side of the river, while the main assault takes on the hill. Achtrad makes a recon move to threaten the M3 Priests artillery. US goes first.

Turn one
US pushes up the hill and fire upon the Achtrads with a single Sherman. They fail to disengage but the shot miss. AT sections advances on the far side. The artillery fails to hit the PAK and infantry. In the German player turn a lucky shot from Jagdpanzer IV hits and bails the stone bridge rifle platoon from their transports. The Achtrads misses the priests. However the PAKs destroy one and bail one M3 Priest. Nebelwerfers kill a single infantry team and pin the platoon. A Stug bogs on the storm trooper move and the Achtrads storm trooper back.

Turn two
The bailed Priest remounts and the pinned infantry at the hill rally. The main assault move further under protection from a smoke barrage placed at the PAK platoon. A lucky bazooka kills a PAK. the Sherman tanks tries lucky shots at the bailed Stug (but its armor seems impenetrable) and successfully destroys an Achtrad before the last one disengage. The AT platoons advance along towards the river. The stone bridge infantry fail to dig in, allowing the Germans to kill a few more of their numbers. Combined fire from the SS destroy one utility car from the M10 section.

Turn three
Americans moves in for the assault. The stone bridge platoon digs in but does not un-pin. Shooting is poor and all pressure is put to the assault, however the Priests pin the heavy platoon. With 13 dice in defensive fire through concealment... the assault goes through with 4 hits. After two rounds of combat the SS infantry platoon is destroyed and and PAK and HMG is also destroyed. The Germans do however still contest the objective with a PAK. The SS moves its Jagdpanzers to kill the Shermans and manage to destroy one of them. The last PAK kills the second utility car forcing the m10 command to flee. Marking the position of its command.

Turn four
The M10 appears from where its command fled, in perfect position to ambush the Jagdpanzers. The rifle platoon on the hill digs in and the stone bridge platoon unpins! Combined fire from AT guns and M10 destroy both of the Jagdpanzers. Germans still contest the objective with the PAK. The PAK fires back and scores two luckily hits at the M10s... and bail them both! The Stugs manage to destroy the lead Sherman, making the last two of them immobile, guarding the ruined monastary.

Turn five
The one M10 that remounts destroy the PAK platoon making the infantry on the hill secure the objective! With snapshots the Americans tries to destroy the heavy platoons and the Stugs to force the SS to break. Pressure is now on the Germans to force the american off the objective otherwise the US win. Fire from the Stugs bails one M10. Hits from the mortars and the Nebelwerfers kills two infantry teams from the US platoon holding the objective and forces a morale test... Witch fails. The commander yells at the cowards but the SS are to scary! They run away with the company command.

Turn six
Things looking worse for the the US and the M10 that remount move to secure the objective. The heavy platoon moves in to contest the objective. The anti tank gun platoon take a loss from Nebelwerfers and the Stugs score TWO six while shooting at the concealed, gone to ground, M10. Both are destroyed.

Turn seven and eight
After two more unsuccessful attempts to bombard the heavy platoon and the Stugs forcing break tests the US concede and leave the battlefield under fire.

4-3 for the Germans, they hold their ground.

Next time. Bring the BIG cats.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Flames of war - Vietnam - Mission - Hot LZ

Forces 750 pts

US 7th cav Airmobile (Tour of duty)
Arimobile rifle platoon
Arimobile rifle platoon
1 Hog
1 Frog
4 UH-1 Slicks

Local Force VC (Brown water navy)
2 platoon strong local force company
2 platoon strong local force company
2 HMG bunker, 3 recoilless rifle, 1 AA mg
5 Resistance teams
5 Booby traps
 7th cav deploy one platoon by LZ objective. First turn goes to Vietnamese player. The local force start only with five local resistance teams.

The Local resistance teams keep the distance and lift the gone to ground from the enemies like a recce team, throughout the game.

The Local forces takes first turn and ambush a company of guerrilla reserves. They manage to kill a MG team but massed firepower from arriving gunships wipes the company next turn.
Vietnamese second turn gives a new ambushing company with attached HQ weapon and ambushing HMG nests. The company inflicts quite some hits on the Frog gunship but fail the re-roll on the fire power test to destroy it.

7th cav calls for the second platoon to arrive with their slicks. Return fire from the gunships kills the AA mg and a few Vietnamese infantry teams, pinning the company.

Vietnamese 3rd ambush also arrives in the close table quarter and with some fire manage to destroy (delay) a slick.

Combined return fire again wipe the company. The Frog gunship destroy one HMG bunker with its grenade launcher.

The fresh 7th cav platoon mobilize to take the objective, slightly distracted by ambushed booby traps. One team member dies from the hidden traps. Meanwhile the Frog destroys the second HMG bunker.

Vietnamese player removes the remains of the company on the table to ambush  two fresh ones into the battle.

They both arrive on the table quarter opposite to the Vietnamese objective. One resistance team manage to move away the Vietnamese objective 20 cm to delay the american approach.

A resistance team reveal itself as a suicidal citizen equipped with grenades. It hits the medic with a grenade but fails to kill him.

As the Americans approach the objective, the Vietnamese tries one last combined assault on the LZ-objecctive. The assault breaks after one round of close combat resulting in a contest of the LZ objective.
However the 7th cav seize the Vietnamese objective while holding the ground at LZ.

6-1 for Americans.

In this game the Vietnamese companies lacked the assault punch they needed. They would probably benefited from bigger companies, with quality of quantity. Resistance teams dis prove to be very interesting thought.

Our next game showed that destroying a gunship early on vastly decimate the killing power of the Americans.