Monday, 21 September 2015

Flames of war - Early war Campaign - Part 3 of 3

The third and last episode of our Early war campaign is completed. The objective of the campaign is to take the most enemy territories at the end of the Campaign. A capital zone is worth Double.

The end result after territories has been taken and then taken back is a Axis victory by 3 points, one for eastern France, and two for western France. All other regions are held or taken back.

The outskirts of Paris
The Krauts have taken the outskirts of Paris from the sail-eaters! How can we help? Lets send an Armored train! In this defensive battle the Soviet delegation (battalion) attacks with their armored train to purge the axis out of Paris. Its a fierce fight resulting in a 4-3 victory for the Axis, who takes Paris!

Western Poland
In western Poland the poles quickly takes back their ground, but are then forced to defend against the German counterattack. Two tank companies bash each other, resulting in Axis victory.

Valivostok Oblast
In the far east the Soviets tries to take back Vladivostok region. With some initial success they garrison them self into a village in somewhere around the bigger city. They expect some Japanese movement, but when the night falls, the Japanese strikes fast. In this game the Japanese attacks in a no retreat scenario. The Japanese goes victorious out of the battle, just before the sun rises.