Genestealer Cult - Cult of four-armed emperor
Magus and Jacal Alphus
Nexos, Sanctus and Kelermorph
3x10 Neophytes
2x Sentinels
Altan Jackals+ Wolfquad
Goliath Truck
Chaos space Marines - Iron warriors
Lord and Warpsmith
2x5 Marines
The fist battle is up, testing all the new rules of 9th ed in a 1000 pts game (except maybe some stratagems, traits, relics and other bonuses that is forgotten in the Labyrinth of rules). With less command points and fewer detachments, its appears to be a little less list building, but under the Veil, its the same. Also introducing a few pages of secondary objectives, witch each player should choose 3 from, to complement the main objective (securing objectives on the battlefield).
GSC goes for Engage on all fronts (Have units in table Quarters), Raise the banners high (extra VP for objectives) annd Bring it down (score points for destroyed vechicles). Iron Warriors goes for Raise tha banners aswell, but choose Assasinate (Points for killed characters) and First strike (Destroy a unit first turn). Points for objectives are capped at 15 per turn. Maximum score is 90. The battle is now maximum 5 turns and scoring is done at the beginning of each player turn (except the first).
GSC deploy only "blipp-markers" and hold a Magus, Sanctus, Kelermorph and a squad of Neophytes in the shadows for later deployment. Perturabo's boys goes straight forward and deploy all hands on the field. In 9th edition Terrain rules got some minor changes, but the units mainly has to be within the terrain feature to gain any benefits.
Turn 1
The Iron warriors win the roll for who goes first.
With nothing to see and be scared of, the heretic marines move all hands forward, except the Warpsmith who raise a banner on the objective. At the end of movement the GSC is revealed, and the shooting can begin. Massed fire, mainly through a lucky vindicator random number shot, brings down the sentinels but not much more happens.
The GSC takes turn, rushing the jackals towards the Predator and Hellblade. The Nexos deplys a banner at one objective. By using a stratagem, 3 blasting charges are thrown at the Hellblade flyer by the Jacals (yes, bikers can throw bombs insanely fast and high apparently), inflicting 5 wounds. The neophytes and Goliath maw down 7 cultists, and in the charge phase the Jacals charge the Preadator, while the Goliath rolls 2x Snake-eyes (re-rolled charge) in an attempt to grind down the scary Vindicator. The Melee results in a few wounds off the predator.
Turn 2
With only 3 cultists left, The Iron warriors quickly execute the last cannonfodder to bring in ten more (stratagem). Then the scoring happens. And by holding 1 more objective than the enemy, 15 poinsts are scored, with a bonus point for the banner. First strike (Secondary objective) generates another 8 pts. The Iron warriors moves a group of marines and the Terminators forward to secure another objective. The Warpsmith restores a few wounds on the predator. The Jacals gets reduced by the predator (who can now shoot in Melee), while the vindicator and Hellblade bring down the Goliath. The Lord fail to charge the Jacals, but the five Marine Squad manage to beat the remaining bikers in close combat.
Finally, the GSC does what the do best, sneak in from the shadows, placing The Magus, Neophytes and the Snpier behind the Predator. Scoring generates 5+1 VP for the cult (objective + banner). The Sanctus takes down the Warpsmith to a single wound (surviving thanks to a lucky save), and the grand show is pulled off when the Magus take control over the Predator, firing its guns at the Terminators and the Marines. Sadly, for the Cult, it seems that the Heretics were merely playing along, and all the marines save the incoming fire. The ambushing Neophytes seems ever as unlucky, unloading on the marines, but 3+ armor saves the day. The Neophytes witch survived the destroyed Goliath, charge and takes a wound off the Vindicator, but more importantly, contest the objective.
Turn 3
Scoring generates another 15+1 pts to the Heretics, as they control 1 more objective, as well as a banner. The Warpsmith meets up with the Hellblade to repair some damage, and the Cultist position them self for a Melee clash with the opposing cult members. The Vindicator (who cannot use blast weapon to fire in melee) disengage from combat and the predator and marines maw down most of the ambushing units. The Terminators and the Hellblade gun destroys the Ridgerunner. A Melee is initiated by the Cultists, resulting in many lost lives on both sides.
The GSC deploy the Kelermorph 3" from the Lord. Scoring generates another 5+1 objective pts for the Cult, and another 8 pts for units in all quadrants (secondary objective). With few units left, the Kelermorph attempts to kill both the Lord and the marines, unloading about 10 shots, inflicting 4 wounds on the Lord. The neophytes fire on the Marines again, and once again the supreme power of T4, 3+ save bounce the bullets. The following charge, does however show that the genes of a Genestealer should work in close combat, killing an unlucky marine with the rifle butts (or maybe extra limbs). The Neophytes also show their close quarter capabilities in the other fight by wining the Melee over the Chaos cultists.
Turn 4
The Iron Warriors scores another 5 victory points (no banner this time), and another 4 for the two killed characters. With the might of power armor, the full firepower of the Iron warriors annihilate all remaining forces, except the Neophytes witch are murdered by the lord in combat.
Final scoring would be something like IW 42 and GSC 14 pts, not counting scoring on turn 5.