Thursday, 8 February 2018

Breakthrough - FoW (v4)

Forces 1500
Gebirgsjager (CV)
3x Gebirgsjagerplatoon
1 Special weapons platoon
3x Pak40
2x gebg36
2x Tiger 1

Soviet Hero infantry (FT)
Infantry (FV)
4x Heavy Mortars
4x T34
2x SU-100
2x Katjusha

The scenario we roll for is Breakthrought, with soviets as defender. Soviet Puts all tanks in reserve and holds an infantry platoon in ambush. Germans takes first turn and holds Pak40s and one Jagerplatoon in flanking reserve.

Turn 1
The Germans advance through the forest. Soviets respond by ambushing a 14 stand trained platoon in the village. A few German stands are killed in the fire exchange.

Turn 2
The Germans soften up the soviets with a variety of guns and rifles. Both German platoons assault the pinned soviets, resulting in both sides loosing a lot of troops. The soviet SU-100 arrives from reserve and the veteran soviet infantry moves to protect the other objective threatened by the flank assault.

Turn 3
The Germans struggle to penetrate the village and instead bombard the building with massive MG fire, killing one or two stands of infantry. The T-34 platoon arrive from behind the front line and thanks to short range manage to destroy a Tiger tank and bail the other!


Turn 4
The surviving tiger remounts and return the fire, destroying two T-34. However, it must now take morale tests each turn (due to rather silly v4 morale rules). The Artillery range in at the Katjuschas smoke trails and destroy them both in a bombardment! The T-34s fire at the tiger again, bailing it! The heavy mortar rains fire at the infantry.

Turn 5
The German Pak40s arrive from flanking reserve and destroy both SU-100 with pot-shots through the field at long range. The tiger remount and destroy the last two T-34s. The soviet mortars kills a few German jagers.

Turn 6
The Last Jagerplatoon arrive from reserve and with some aid from the Pak40s they pin the veteran infantry. Then they assault, but the defensive fire manage to pin the assault down! In return the Soviet veteran infantry shoot and assault the Jagers to death. In the village, both sides grind the other to pieces, now leaving only a few infantry on each side... and a Tiger tank.

Turn 7
With only one brave team contesting the objective, things looks bad for the Soviets, but after intense shooting the soviets still holds the day. In return, the veteran Soviet infantry destroy all Pak40s.

Turn 8
Now the silliness of the v4 rules sets in and the mighty Tiger flees the battle! Maybe the single pinned soviet infantry had a Molotov prepared? A last attempt to storm the village is made by the german infantry, but the assaulting team is beaten in melee by the same mighty Molotov equipped soviet soldier.

Turn 9
Having only the HQ left in the main formation, the German remaining forces flees the battle, leaving just a few Soviets soldiers left in the village.

Soviet victory 4-3