Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Warhammer 40k - 7th edition

Chaos Codex 2012 (1750 pts)
5x Terminators
10x marines w/Rhino
10x marines w/Rhino
10x marines w/Rhino
3x Obliterators

Ork codex (1750 pts)
Bigmek (named Bozze)
20 sluggaboyz /w eavy armour
20 shootaboyz
20 shootaboyz
2x Looted Wagon
4x Bikerz
Skullhamma Battlefortrez

Some highlights from the battle

Turn 1
Chaos takes first turn (orkz fail to seize). Combined fire from Obliterators and the predator knocks out five hull points from the Skullhamma - ouch. The Skullhamma put some hurt back, killing most of the closest marine squad.

Turn 2
Both Hellblades arrives and one of them destroy a looted wagon, while the other fail to hurt the Skullhamma. The Predator takes another hull point of the Battlefortress. Bozze kills one Obliterator! 

Turn 3
The Skullhamma goes down from lascannon fire from the predator. In the process 16 orks find them self unlucky to be under the explosion. But hey, they'll grow back as mushroom spores later anyway! The bikers knocks a hull point of one of the Hellblades. 

Turn 4
Bozze is shot dead by the Hellblade. The wartrakk fail to hit the Vindicator despite point blank range - the ork way! Ork shooting kills a terminator. The Deffdread charges the two remaining Obliterators and kills them.

Turn 5
The Preadator sets an end to the Deffdread rampage. The terminators charge into the shootaboyz and kills a good number, losing one terminator in the process. The remaining shootaboyz flees. In the center the Chaos charge the orc Warboss. The sorcerer challenge the painboy, killing him. In the following Ork turn, the Warboss challenges the Chaos lord - cleaving him in half with its powerclaw. The Sorcerer is killed by the remaining orkz. The bikes kills another terminator and the remaining two flees! We roll to see if the battle continues and roll "2" - the battle is over in a Chaos victory.

Chaos (4) - Orkz (1)

Chaos siezed 4 objectives while the orkz failed to take any. The orkz Gets slay the warlord!