Monday, 21 January 2019

Apocalypse - The winter is coming - v8

Order of battle - 10000 pts

The Loyalists
Salamanders and Greymarines 3500
Dark Angels 4000
Tau 1000
Knights (3 LoW) 1500

The free forces
Iron warriors (2 LoW) 3000
Sons of Horus 2500
Night Lords (LoW) 2000
Necrons 2500

Turn 1
The loyalist side start deploying and takes first turn. The mission is to hold objectives at the end of each turn to score a point. Destroying a Lord of war (LoW) or a warlord generate another score for the side. Both sides open up on each other and the slightly heavier firepower of the free side brings down two knights. Magnus the red and the C-tans are causing havoc among the Dark Angel lines.

Score 2-5
Loyal: Objective (x2)
Free: (Objective x2), Warlord (knight), LoW(knight), LoW (knight) 

Turn 2
The battle continues and massive Deathwing (Dark Angels) reinforcements arrive. The firepower of the death wing terminators destroy Magnus the red! Along the central battle-line a lot of causalities are taken by both sides, and the turn ends with the Iron warrior knight charging into the middle, killing a single marine.

Score 6-8
Loyal: Objective (x2), LoW (Magnus), Warlord (NL)
Free: (Objective x2), LoW(knight)

Turn 3
Highlights of the turn is when the dreadnought charge the Iron warrior Knight and destroys it. The knight explodes and takes down a land speeder and the Tau commander in the explosion. One point to each side! In the middle of turn 3 the game turns in favor of the loyal side which now holds the middle objective and when the Storm eagle is destroyed by a Sicaran, it explodes, killing the IW lord and suddenly no one is holding the Free sides own objective. A concentrated fire towards the middle just destroy enough loyalist units to allow a victory for the free side.

Loyal: Objective (x2), LoW (Knight), Warlord (IW)
Free: (Objective x2), Warlord (Tau)


Saturday, 12 January 2019

Flames of war - TY - Encounter

The game-year starts with a Flames of war Team Yankee, a rerun of my last TY. It's a soviet t-62 battalion vs a German Leopard 1 company at 50 pts. The battle is an encounter with delayed scattered reserves.

Turn 1
The west german starts the battle. The damage output on the first turn against g.t.g. soviets units are pretty fair. Three tanks and three transports is destroyed. However the soviets hits back, destroying two Leo 1:s.

Turn 2
The germans back off to protect the objective on the left side. Another couple of T-62s is destroyed. The Soviet act aggressive and claim objective with a pair of scout cars. The Tanks follow up the push behind the forest.

Turn 3 
The german Luchs arrive to contest the objective and also bail one scout car. On the right side the germans threaten the soviet objective by advancing. The soviet tanks destroys another Leo 1 and a Luchs, but the objective is now to heavily protected.

Turn 4
The gemans advance further towards the right objective but soviet reinforcement arrives and prevent any capture. The soviet command tank is destroyed by the Leopards.

 Turn 5 
The west germans destroy the last t-62 tank, forcing the soviets to flee as they only have one infantry unit alive in the formation.