Sunday, 27 October 2019

Bunker Bowl Season 5

Some Sewer Sirkus highlights from Bunker Bowl season 5

Smashing the mouths
With insane bravery (and stupidity) the halflings team Smashed Mouths heroically scores two times! Gracefully, and twice, the not so very aerodynamic halflings where thrown towards the endzone and managed to score! The (in comparison) stronger goblins of Sewer Sirkus where a bit thoughter and faster on the field and scored three times. However, Deeproot Strongbranch manage to kill the warp stone troll, who fails its regeneration test and the apothecary fails to patch him up!

Disastrous defeat
A notable mention was the game against Ork team Darkland Riders, where the Sewer Sirkus had to end the game due to not being able to set up three players on the line of scrimmage at the mid second half. A disastrous defeat that probably resulted in a handful of extra deaths due to angry fans!

Brothers in arms
Playing against the goblin brothers in Lunds political superstars turned out to be a game of the ball, with a 3-2 score. Both teams played the running game with a pinch of dirty tricks.

Semi finals
With five wins and two losses Sewer Sirkus strangely place themselves number one in the group play, facing off the number four in the group - Darkland raider. Still fresh in the memory, the complete devastation in previous meeting, the goblins and skavens of Sewer Sirkus reluctantly set up on the pitch. The games goes to full time with a 1-1 score, resulting in overtime. This time the Sewer Sirkus has a numerical advantage, filling up with goblins to replace their causalities and previously managed to beat three orks out of the match.

The orcs wins the coin flip to receive the ball in the overtime and sets up with nine players, still with good morale. Sewer Sirkus gets a Blitz during kick off and instantly advance towards the ball, almost reaching it. But the Darkland Raiders manage to sneak a goblin just close enough to pick up the ball, and then runs towards the troll. The goblin is successfully thrown (and not eaten) towards the underworld end zone, and lands on his feet! In the following turn the Sewer Sirkus manage to hunt down the goblin, pick up the ball, and run down towards the ork end zone. A heroic attempt to blitz the ball carrier before he reach the end zone is attempted by the ork blitzer, who gracefully dodge into the cage, but rolls attacker down against the sneaky goblin. The game ends in overtime with a 2-1 victory to Sewer Sirkus.

After a tense semi finals the unruly skaven and goblin associates take to the pitch once again it the finals. It'a big day for the most unwanted and somber team in blood bowl. It's time to face off Dark elves! Sewer Sirkus gets to receive in first half, but are instantly tricked b a perfect defense. Basing goes on without any causalities, but the graceful elves dodge into the cage and steals the ball. 1-0.

It's time to receive again, but the dark elf crowd throws a rock on one of the skavens, slightly impeding the underworld offence. Once again the dodgy elves sneaks into the cage and steals the ball, 2-0. After repeated attempts suddenly a goblin boot finds it's way into the mouth of a dark elf, sending him to the infirmary, but also sending the sneaky goblin out of the pitch.

Time for second half, and the dark elves scores a fast goal, leaving the stunties wondering whats happening. Intense bashing and fouling result in another dark elf sent to the infirmary. With few round left the dark elves steals the ball a third time and scores, 4-0. A last offence is attempted by the Sewer Sirkus, but is stopped dead with failed hand off.

Overconfident reaching the finals, the dirty players of Sewer Sirkus takes their retreat into the sewers one again, but with the glittering prize of a 2nd place and some useful silver, tradable for some shiny warpstone!

And another season is finished, time to prepare for the next! 

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Team Yankee - Oil wars - The Golan Heights

Order of battle

Israeli - 53 pts
1 Merkava 1
2 Merkava 1
2 Markava 1 (ambush)
4 M113 Mech infantry
3xTOW AT jeep (reserve)
2xCobra Helicopter (reserve)
Syria - 51 pts
1 T-62
5 T-62
6 T-62
9 BMP-1 mech infantry
2x Scout BMPR
1 T-62
4 T-62
4 T-62
3xHail rocket artillery + BTR-60 Observer

This was our first test of Oil wars with an iconic battle for the Golan heights where the Syrian army launches a surprise attack just before Dusk. The Israelis are supposed to be caught unprepared, but the IDF never rests. We used the scenario from the book, mustering much of the forces recommended, but we didn't have all the crazy amount of tanks required.

Turn 1
The Syrian tank battalions advance through the hilly landscape. A hail of rockets is landed on the Israeli infantry but no causalities are inflicted. In return the Israeli Merkava tanks puts a couple of T-72 tanks on fire. 

Turn 2
Further advancement puts the BMP infantry in a forward position. The Syrian T-72 strike back and destroy one Merkava, but the T-62:s are to obsolete to inflict any damage. In return the Israelis get reinforced by a pair of Cobra helicopters, blitzing into the battle and destroying one tank. The BMP infantry takes some hits but manage to survive losing a pair of transports. The Merkavas further makes short work of another two T-72:s

Turn 3
The Syrian infantry scramble to rush forward against the tanks on the hill, not knowing what they're up against. The remaining t-72:s fail to inflict any damage on the massively armored Merkavas. A company of T-62 attempts a flanking maneuver to assault the Israeli infantry, but dense terrain and fierce resistance proves the assault quite ineffective. At the start of the Israeli turn the night falls. Three TOW AT jeeps blitz into the battle picking of a tank, while the Merkavas and the M113 APC:s batter down the infantry.


Turn 4 
The Syrians push all available forces closer to the objective on the hill. One Merkava is bailed but the T-72:s and the infantry feel morally contempt to try an assault on the remaining two. In a hail of MG fire the assault is brutally stopped with high causalities on the Syrian side. The few remaining flanking T-62:s change their targets to the AT-jeeps, failing to destroy them. The Israelis then re position the cobras to the hill, unleashing their Gatling guns at the infantry. Further blows are dealt against the Syrian tanks that are now reduceds to a handful of their starting number.

Turn 5
The Syrian Shilkas re position and manage to destroy one Cobra helicopter. The other Cobra retreats the battle realizing the danger. The last flanking T-62 manage to destroy a TOW-AT jeep. The Syrian infantry flank one Merkava and heroically destroys it with a well placed rocket under the turret. However, in the Israelis upcoming retaliation destroy all T-62:s and the reaming T-72 is forced to flee. The Syrian threat at the hill objective is now almost destroyed.

Turn 6
With no units left to deal with the massive steel beasts of Merkavas the Syrian army has no other option than to flee.