Syrian Battalion - 85 pts
10 T72, 4s shilka
11 T62
11 T55, 2 ZSU-57
Infantry comp (11 Btr), 3xSpandrel
2x Gazkin
2x Hind
2x Frogfoot
Israeli defence force - 85 pts
7x Merkava mk II
Mech Infantry (3xM113)
4 Tow
3 M109 + OP
2 Cobra
2 VADs + 2 Stinger
Turn 1
Syria starts the game as attacker, and the IDF holds four Merkava and the TOW jeeps in reserve, while having the other three Merkava in Ambush. Syria dash all units ahead, and the aircraft attempt to take out the M109 Artillery. However, one Hind is shoot down by the stingers, and all aircraft miss their attacks.
Israel's first turn offers both a successful reserve roll and ambushing Merkava's. The six Merkava together with the Cobras take out eight T-55 and four t-72:s. The VADs further cleans up the last Hind.
Turn 2
With only one tank remaining in four tank platoons, some tests are required. The somewhat un-inspired Syrians decide to retreat with one t-72 and one T-55. With massive losses, the Syrian army push forward in an attempt to gain better firing solutions. The T62s, lacking mine clearers slowly traverse the narrow path between the house and the minefield. Shooting prove to be quite useless, and only the soviet Frogfoot, first surviving the stingers, manage to destroy one Merkava.
The IDF strike back, and are further reinforced by the HQ Merkava. The Merkava now spit their fire, cleaning up some of the T72s and start reducing the T62 company. Another seven tanks or so, are lost. The Cobras however, are destroyed by the Gazkin before they can shoot.
Turn 3
Finally at short range, the remaining T72s attempts four shots on short range on the Merkavas, but the shoots proves ineffective against superior armour of the Israeli tanks. However, the Last T55 manage a side shot and takes out one Merkava tank, reducing one platoon to a single tank. The froogfoot remain off table.
The last reserve, three tow jeeps enters the battlefield. The M109 successfully destroy two tanks and the Merkava destroys another few T62s, the last T55 and a T72.
Turn 4
The Hail attempt to take out the stingers, but fail to hit the teams. The spandrel fire on the HQ Merkava, but with no result. The Frogfoot attempts to strike another tank, but both planes are shoot down by the stingers. Two T-62 are in assault range and attempt an assault, but the IDF infantry bail one and the last tank is destroyed in the assault.
The IDF infantry digs in to prevent further causalities, while securing the objective. The Israeli army clean up the last remaining tanks, to later shift focus on the remaining BTRs and infantry.
Turn 5-6
The last Syrian infantry and BTRs bails a VAD and then assault the IDF infantry. The Melee reduce the IDF to four teams, but its not enough to make them break. The Syrian infantry drops below good sprit. The Spandrels continue to pound the HQ Merkava, but it pass all amour saves needed. The Hail, only ranging in a few times in the battle, managed nothing but pin the stingers.
The danger close M109 artillery now shift to take out one of the Hail trucks. The IDF easily clean up the remaining armor and only one infantry company remains in good spirit from the core companies in the Syrian army.
With the victory at hand, the single Merkava and the bailed VAD need a morale check at start of turn six, both failing and retreats. But with the company in good spirit, it does however not change the fact that the IDF will claim the victory at turn 7 as the Syrians will flee at the start of the turn.