Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Warhammer 40k - Apockalypse (9th)

Apocalypse Battle
9th Edition Rules
8th Edition Points

Chaos and Eldar Convention 
(Eldar, Iron Warriors, Nurgle Deamons)
Imperial Retribution Force 
(Imperial Fist, Salamanders, Cadians)

The Battle
The mission holds six objectives, each generating a victory point for the side holding it at the end of the battle turn.
Secondary objective generates one point by killing an enemy warlord.
Each side is About 9000 pts. 
Note; the Reaver titan is currently not operational.

Turn 1 
Either The chaos gods or Eldrad Ulthrran has forseen that the unholy convention of Aeldari and Chaos must start, so after a tied roll off, the Convention finally wins the roll.

In the first turn the Convention side move forward with most units, securing a few Objectives. The Convention side major achievements would be a destroyed preadator, a thunderbolt flyer and quite some wounds off assorted vehicles. The Imperium side strikes back harder, mostly thanks to the Imperial Fist fire base, destroying the Sicaran, the Preadator, both Hellblade fighters, a Vindicator and an Aeldari Hemlock, as well as multiple wounds on the convention armies. However, the Imperium has not gained much ground.

Chaos/Eldar 4 objective pts
Imperium 1 objective pts

Turn 2 
The Convention side destroys a couple of Cadian tanks, mainly with the combined Aeldari force weaponry, but the the Great Unclean One shines by dealing the last wounds to the Imperial Knight in close combat. The Salamanders Repulsor goes down aswell to Iron warrior fire. The Imperials reinforce their ranks and retaliate by taking out both Soul grinders, a vindicator and the last Hemlock fighter, as well as gaining some ground. In the Center the Salamanders claim the ruins and start the purging of Heretics.


Chaos/Eldar 3 objective (7) pts 
Imperium 1 objective (2) pts

Turn 3 
With heavy losses on both sides, the Nurgle Deamons summons 30 new Plaugebearers to the battle, bolstering the Convention ranks. Most Imperial causalities this turn is inflicted on the Cadian army by the Aeldari force. The Deep striking Imperial fist terminators only goes down to the massed firepower of the full Iron warrior army. The Salamaners kills the Nurgle Herald in Close combat and the great Unclean one (Warlord) goes down to the Imperial fist firepower, leaving the Nurgle Deamons Leaderless.



Chaos/Eldar 3 objective (10) pts 
Imperium 2 objective + 1 warlord  (5) pts

Turn 4
In the last turn both sides forces are getting thin, but the Convention side has more heavier vehicles left. A few more Cadian Vehicles gets destroyed, and a massed close combat is initiated in the center of the battlefield. The Aeldari Autarch (Warlord) is slain by the Salamanders Librarian, standing too close to him during a failed attempt to smite by the Librarian, resulting in a Perils of the warp implosion that kills them both. The Imperial fists purge away the large Plaugebearer unit claiming one objective and the imperial Space marines can now claim four objectives between them.

Final scoring
Chaos/Eldar 2 objctive (12) pts 
Imperium 4 objective + 1 warlord  (10) pts

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