Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Team Yankee - Encounter


2021:s first miniature battles are a game of 40K and a Team Yankee. 

Scenario: Encounter
Forces: 80 pts West German Leopard 1 company vs Soviet Breakthrough battalion.

Turn 1
Germans starts the battle by moving ahead on their right flank and shoots out a T-72 and a BMP3. The Soviet army push ahead on their right flank and manage to destroy a Leopard 1. Soviet air support arrives, but one Frogfoot is  shot down by AA. The remaining one misses the Leo 2:s.

Turn 2
West German forces moves ahead to secure one of the objectives. Another T-72 is destroyed, as well as all 4 BMP 2:s. Only 3 infantry survive the explosion. The tornado arrives, ranging in on the T-80:s, destroying one. 

In soviet response, the army push down towards the German objective. Shooting results in a platoon of Leo1:s destroyed, and the remaining Frogfoot arrives again, hitting a Leo 2, but only inflicts a bailed result! With two remaining T-80, the soviet beasts launch an assault on the grenadiers knowing they cant be hurt by the the infantry. The Germans are however still contesting the objective.

Turn 3
With only one T-80 holding the soviet objective, the Leo 1:s attempt a few flank shoots, destroying it in the process. With nothing in proximity to retake the objective, the West Germans secure a fast victory.

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